Health care for holders of residence permits for special cases

The following is the basic information on health care for holders of residence permits for special cases
What kind of registration to the Regional Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Regionale, SSR) are they entitled to?
They can be enrolled in the Regional Health Service and have access to a complete healthcare service, under conditions of equal treatment and full equality of rights and duties with respect to Italian citizens.
What is needed to enroll in the SSR?
- Identification document (but even without it, registration is possible only with a residence permit)
- residence permit, or in the case of a residence permit in the process of being issued/renewed, documentation proving that the request has been made
- certification, also self-certification, related to the effective residence in the regional territory
- tax code
How long is the registration with the SSR valid for?
The compulsory enrollment is temporary, even while waiting for the first issue of a residence permit. Registration with the SSR coincides with the period of validity of the residence permit and is also valid during the renewal of the residence permit and until the definition of the relative administrative procedure.