Birth Programme

The Birth Programme encompasses every health-related activity that the Regional Health Service offers for free to pregnant women whose family doctor operates in Tuscany. The aim is to promote mothers' and children's wellbeing and to provide appropriate care during pregnancy within FAMILY COUNSELLING, during labour and delivery within BIRTH CENTRES and, later, during breastfeeding and puerperium within FAMILY COUNSELLING.

The programme offers:

Family counselling centres are the Birth Programme's points of reference. The family counselling staff (gynaecologist, obstetrician, psychologist, social assistant) accompanies women and couples through a specific path. It also guarantees free continuity in care, support and listening, from preconception consultations to children's first year of life. The referring person is the obstetrician, but the family counselling staff is also made of gynaecologists, psychologists, social assistants, cultural and linguistic mediators.

At the family counselling centre, you can find healthcare professionals who can help you through pregnancy and after delivery. The obstetrician will process your requests and support you according to your needs. If necessary, she will also activate specific programmes with other professionals to answer your questions and doubts.

At the beginning of pregnancy, women come to the family counselling centre to get their pregnancy handbook ("libretto gravidanza"). On this occasion, they also meet the obstetrician who informs them about the pregnancy programme and the exams established in the Regional Protocol. She also organizes pregnancy consultations and explains birth support activities, like pregnancy groups and psychological counselling.

hAPPyMamma is an app for women enrolled in the Birth Programme - available for iOS and Android. It allows to access the information given by healthcare professionals and data about healthcare facilities, addresses, services and opening hours.

Information material

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Centro

Family counseling centers

Carta dei servizi

Il percorso nascita è online!

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Nord Ovest

Family counseling centers

Gravidanza e nascita

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Sud Est

Family counseling centers