Violence and Abuse

Family counselling centres welcome women victims of violence and offer them psychological support, in proportion to the complexity of their case and the risks it entails. Therefore, it is possible to plan healthcare programmes involving social assistants and psychologists. If the patient agrees, the programme also provides access to women's protection facilities.

In the case of women victims of human trafficking, the family counselling centre offers its healthcare services and, at the same time, involves local professionals who work against human trafficking.

Based on the problem detected during the reception phase, the ICARE team will organize a diagnostic and healthcare path according to the health, psychological and social needs of each patient that accesses the service.

The programme offers prevention, acknowledgment, support and care through specific actions based on the emerging problems and needs. It also identifies the most appropriate plan for the future.

"Codice Rosa" (pink code) is a clinical network for women victims of gender based violence ("Percorso Donna" - Woman Programme) and victims of violence caused by vulnerability or discrimination ("Percorso per le vittime di crimini d'odio" - Programme for hate crimes victims). It satisfies immediate care needs according to the principles of care continuity and total personal attention.

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Centro

Family counseling centers

Codice Rosa

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Nord Ovest

Family counseling centers

Codice Rosa

In the Local Health Agency (Azienda USL) Toscana Sud Est

Family counseling centers