Information for using the services

Hospitalization can be necessary for urgent operations or complex therapies that cannot take place at home or at a doctor's office.
There are different kinds of hospitalization:
Day hospital or day surgery - less than 12 hours. The family doctor/paediatrician or another National Healthcare System's specialist asks for this hospitalization in case of medical or surgical services and/or therapies that cannot take place at a day service or doctor's office. For this kind of hospitalization, you can schedule more accesses.
Ordinary hospitalization - It can be urgent, after the evaluation of the Emergency Unit, or it can be solicited by a National Healthcare System's doctor. The duration of such hospitalization exceeds 24 hours and depends on the pathology and the treatment.
Rehabilitation/long-stay and Hospice - This is for people who need observation, rehabilitation or palliative treatments after overcoming the severe stage of a disease or undergoing a surgical operation. They could be transferred to hospital units or facilities specialized in this kind of hospitalization. The evaluation is up to the National Healthcare System's doctor.
Are family members or other people allowed to come outside the visiting hours?
The unit or hospital manager must authorize the continuous presence of family members or other referring people of hospitalized patients. Moreover, it is allowed only in case of highly vulnerable patients, patients with specific and continuous healthcare needs, terminal patients.
What happens during the discharge process?
At the moment of discharge, you will be given you "discharge letter" containing the information on therapies, examinations, etc. that you will have to do at home. If you need medical equipment (e.g. side beds, anti-decubitus mattresses, walkers, etc.), the hospital activates the local supply service or informs the patient/his family on how to get the tools required.