To commot belle wey you no want

Since 1978 to commot belle no be problem again , and the law wey dey protect am na law no. 194/78.
Till 3 months belle person fit commot am if the person want and na free of charge.
The system to commot belle all the things wey person go do before na free, the state government wey dey incharge of health problem put rules in italy wey dey allow person to commot belle for public hospital.
The counsulting center the offer wey dem fit give na:
- consultation, controll with the midwife and visit with doctors wey go give know how far the piken dey go,
- the papers /certificate wey go talk the time wey you carry belle and to say na you want to commot the belle after that dem go start to preapre for the abortion
- dem go give you better and correct information while dem dey prepare for the abortion , dem fit commot the belle by abortion with doctor or dem fit use medicine , (that one go depend how far the belle don go) e fit happen inside the hopital or clinics
To dey clear na like this the abortion go take happen
- nella fase precedente l’interruzione (Pre IVG)
- informazione,
- consulenza psicologica di sostegno,
- colloqui di sostegno sociale,
- consulenza ginecologica,
- certificazione,
- pianificazione del percorso IVG farmacologica /chirurgica;
- nella fase post IVG
- counselling e prescrizione/somministrazione contraccezione gratuita
- visite ginecologiche.