Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) spread through unprotected vaginal, anal and oral sex. They can be contracted in spite of the age and both through homosexual and heterosexual intercourse. Moreover, a mother can transmit STIs to her child during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. STIs can also spread through blood and its components or organ transplants.
The most common infections are:
- chlamydia,
- condyloma,
- gonorrhoea,
- genital herpes,
- syphilis,
- HIV.
Through time, many STIs can have serious consequences like sterility, hypofertility, perinatal damages, tumours, chronic pathologies. From some of them, it is possible to recover if they are treated immediately and correctly. Others, like HIV, can be treated if diagnosed precociously, but it is impossible to recover completely. It is important to diagnose an infection as soon as possible. In the family counselling centre, the doctor will offer a consultation to check if there are any infection signs and, if necessary, will prescribe specific exams and give appropriate advice. Specialized professionals will be there to help individuals and couples by providing them information, support and information material.
The programme offers:
- prevention, monitoring and prophylaxis of infectious and diffusive diseases,
- promotion of healthy lifestyles,
- medical consultation,
- diagnostic exams prescription,
- treatment,
- vaccine campaigns promoted at a national and regional level.