The project
Thier work and who dey benefit am
the ICARE project plan na to take charge of health of the people wey as for asylum, and the peolple wey get (CASI SPECIALE) wey dey under decree 113/2018 by group of workers (TEAMS) wey go assure moves and cuturale orientatione using peolple wey dey speak the same language and ones wey learn other perol culture.
the plan of the project na to make sure say everbodi get correct answers about any health problem for any asylum seekers and people with special cases document (CASI SPECIALE), the weaker ones with social/health problem.
people wey dey benifit from ICARE na women , pikin and small children wey no get papa and mama, families wey get health problem, even the project dey also help any bodi wey get health problem wey enter for help d midwife center dey give.
The project dey give help to people wey be sey dem need am and dem dey provide information on sociale service in order to :
- so e go dey esier for dem to get madical and social help wey the clinic people wey need am.
- easy to get help depending watin be the health problem
- better wey to accept people and give dem correct answer for any health matter